5:30pm in the student center
Every Sunday night, students in 6th-12th grade from all different schools, backgrounds, and home situations gather together because of a deeper bond. The common bond they share is deeper than attending the same school, cheering for the same team, or their devotion to Star Wars movies; they are connected because of the grace they have experienced in Jesus Christ.
Sunday Night Live is a worship service that meets in the student center every Sunday evening from 5:30-7. It's fun. It's exciting. It's sometimes a little crazy. While it wouldn't take long to see that Sunday Night Live is anything but boring, we take seriously what God takes seriously. Our student praise band leads us in worship every week with powerful God-glorifying music and every service leads toward a Christ-centered message from God's Word. The students gather together in small groups after every message with an adult leader to discuss how the sermon can be applied to their daily lives.
Come join us this Sunday evening. We'll be saving you a seat.